Spotlight on Ministry
Altar Guild
Did you ever wonder how or why the altar in church changes from time to time - regarding colors, flowers, candles, communion, etc? These changes take place with the help of Trinity's Altar Guild. The altar guild plays an important role in our worshiping community by taking care of all the behind the scenes preparation of the sanctuary for all weekly services, including all holiday services, mid-week services, and special occasions. The Altar Guild is also responsible for the procurement of the beautiful altar flowers each week. Altar flowers are paid for by donations from parishioners. The Altar Guild plays a vital role in assuring that all services are conducted in a dignified and reverent manner. Making worship meaningful for our congregation and friends is truly the Guild's privilege. Altar Guild members work together in teams of two each month to take care of on-going tasks. The Altar Guild holds monthly meetings to keep members up to date on activities and needs of the church or changes in the role they will be expected to play in services. Their meetings also offer an opportunity for fellowship and community. Each member who serves on the Altar Guild is committed to this service. We appreciate their gifts of time and warmly welcome any and all members of Trinity Lutheran who are interested in joining our group and have available time to serve. Please contact Susanne Timmerman through our Contact Us page. Special Thanks to our altar guild members.
We appreciate your motivation, faithfulness, dedication and service to God’s ministry! |
This ministry is responsible for:
Our committee is dedicated to Trinity and its ministries. The following are some of the activities we are involved in:
Helping Hands
God created the human body with two hands. We've used them all our lives without giving them much thought. They have been used in earning our livelihood. Sometimes that follows through to also give us pleasure and in that way also brings happiness to others. Some people paint, sculpt, do woodworking, create pottery, and the list goes on. When we moved here I decided to purchase a more up-to-date sewing machine. That gave me pleasure but it was a solitary hobby. Then I learned about the Helping Hands group at Trinity. It had been there before I became a member of the church. Those earlier members are now all sewing in Heaven. In joining that group I no longer had a solitary hobby but could join others who enjoyed something I liked and made friends at the same time. It has turned out to be something that helps others. We primarily create quilts. These quilts are then donated where they are needed. Many go to the Gospel Rescue Mission. Others have covered beds at the La Casa shelter. When women and children are able to leave there and establish their own households the quilts go with them. Some quilts were given to a dialysis center as patients get chilled when undergoing the procedure. The Sheriff's Department also get their share of quilts. Seems strange to you? Well, in cases of automobile accidents when people are in shock having a quilt to wrap around them is helpful. Unfortunately there are incidents when children must be removed from their homes for their safety and a quilt can be used to give them comfort. On a cold night a Deputy might spot a homeless person looking for some warmth and a quilt might just prevent a home invasion. That list just goes on as well. We have a good time and the best part of all is that you do NOT have to be a person who sews. People are needed to cut the quilt squares, thread a needle with yarn and then tie the quilt squares to secure them. Some of those in the group also make baby layettes which are donated to the hospitals and La Casa. Earlier members made a gown for the baby to sleep in however modern mothers seem to prefer onezies and those purchased items are added to the receiving blankets and changing pads and blankets we make. Ellen Fox, Helping Hands |