Ministry Team 8/13/23
P: Pastor Catherine Lemons
A: Assistant Jeramiah Dyer
L: Lectors Chris Sexauer, Lee Beatty
Communion Servers Jeramiah Dyer, Lee Beatty
Ushers Malinda Dyer, Ruth Rakoff
Minister of Worship & Music Marco Antonio Jimenez
Camera/Sound Richard Lemons, Tim Dougherty
Altar Guild Mary Kay Wagoner, Marlene Nunez
P: Pastor Catherine Lemons
A: Assistant Jeramiah Dyer
L: Lectors Chris Sexauer, Lee Beatty
Communion Servers Jeramiah Dyer, Lee Beatty
Ushers Malinda Dyer, Ruth Rakoff
Minister of Worship & Music Marco Antonio Jimenez
Camera/Sound Richard Lemons, Tim Dougherty
Altar Guild Mary Kay Wagoner, Marlene Nunez